Psychedelic Water Relaunch

We continue to listen to our customers and apply that feedback to improve the products. This relaunch project has been in the works for a while to address 3 key factors:

  • Price
  • Flavor
  • Availability

We had to make the hard decision to say farewell to our iconic can design in order to improve both price and availability. Holographic labels proved to be a continual source of high cost and delays in manufacturing.  The new look will be unveiled soon.

The status quo is never good enough for Psychedelic Water. We've made some formula changes to improve the flavors by adding a hint of vanilla - a new discovery we made that does an incredible job of hiding the kava bitterness. Blackberry+Yuzu and Hibiscus+Lime have been re-imagined with this new foundation. It's better than ever and we are excited to get your feedback on it.

We are also aligning the active ingredients with Good Mood Mix by replacing Damiana with Velvet Bean extracts. Functionally very similar, but will improve the product availability on online marketplaces.

If you've read this far, thank you. Leave a comment below to let us know what aspect of this is most important to you. What are you worried about? What are you most looking forward to?

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Looking forward to trying the re-imagined ingredients as well as more accessibility & cost.


I’ve never tried it I gave up trying to find out when and where it would be in stock also with the price being a little high it made it easier to just forget about it.

Angela Armentia

Price for sure, I want to stock my fridge for the holidays


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